Map Ranking


Tribe name:Vikinger
Number of members:7
Points of the best 7 players3.540
Total points:3.540
Average points:506
Opponents defeated: 2.145 (13.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Mindston (Member) 1 596 403 1
Dead Nubies (Member) 2 572 412 1
Rebel Trucker 3 564 417 1
tribemaster (Second in command) 4 541 429 1
clens89 (Chief diplomat) 5 508 451 1
hornetfan63 (Question Guy) 6 398 525 1
queenwood 7 361 555 1
Viking was founded by Rebel Trucker. If you have questions please contact Rebel Trucker.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.